a year ago
Alerts 🔔
Excited to announce that alerts are now out of beta after a lot of tuning on the sensitivity the last week.
Below, we have listed out the currently supported channels and alert types. We will be adding more channels and generic webhooks in the coming weeks along with more alert types.
Channels Supported
- In-App
- Slack
- Teams
- Grafana
- Discord
- Mattermost
- Pipeline changes state (Broken/Active)
- Source/Destination/Pipeline changes state (Created/Edited/Deleted/Paused/Resumed)
- Latency > 3 minutes
- Connector/Pipeline receiving no data within 30 minutes
With these alert types we've had to work on suitable times that do not keep triggering false alerts, which could happen as a result of a general network interruption for example. We will allow further tuning in future.